Our Culture

We are proudly built and owned by our employees. We recognize and reward our staff for exceptional service to our customers, our company and our community.

Our Purpose: To make our schools and community safer.


Employee Built. Employee Owned.

Unlike many other IT providers, NIC Partners takes the time to understand your challenges. We have the expertise to install and maintain these technologies. We partner with you to ensure your technology infrastructure is meeting your goals.

Be Relentless

We passionately cultivate unwavering determination and resilience toward achieving success for our customers, our company, and our teams. We push forward with tenacity, even in the face of challenges.

Be Service Oriented

We understand, consider, and act on the customer perspective in everything we do, every day. We take assertive actions that deliver exceptional customer service to build strong relationships and foster trust.

Be A Team Player

We are relentless in our pursuit to engage and contribute to the success of the team. Our interactions support collaboration, adaptability, and positive mindsets to ensure a sense of fulfillment for all team members. 


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